Windy City Heat (2003 TV Movie)
Just RELAX, and see it for what it is.
13 July 2005
Nobody in their right mind will believe that this is a "documentary of a real prank", because there are too many nonsensical events. Instead, just enjoy the craziness and unadulterated (and often unsophisticated) comedy in this film.

I think Perry Caravello completely steals this show. To put it another way, I would go so far as to say that everyone *but* Caravello absolutely stank in this movie. But that isn't a fatal flaw - because all the funny moments are HIS moments and the rest of the people are just there converting oxygen into CO2.

The biggest knock I have on this movie is that it isn't, well, "tight". I really wonder about the evolution from story to screenplay to shooting to production and where the heck the focus was lost. As soon as about halfway through the movie, everything starts falling apart into a series of seemingly random events, as if they either 1) got tired of making it, or 2) butchered the thing in editing to make a time limit.

A bit of an annoyance is Tony Barbieri's insistence that he bring his "Niles Standish" voice (as J.Q. Adams) into the movie, as if that is some sort of gold standard that will add credibility to the movie. For him to have to leave the room each time Niles (er, "Adams") came on the line was basically a silly ego trip on his part. Who cares who does that voice? Keep it over at Crank Yankers.

Lastly, several reviewers seem to think that Perry Caravello is not a "real" person. Perry is real, and interestingly enough, if you check out his web site at and spend time there, you'll see that there seems to be a big similarity between the real Perry and the movie character. The real Caravello is slogging his way through the business, trying to make it in the same manner. Once you spend time on his site, you'll probably want to watch the movie again because the insight will offer a new dimension. You start rooting for the guy in real life, too!
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