For a different generation
24 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I knew the reviews on this flick were going to be split 50/50 love/hate. So I'll try to stick one in the middle.

For lovers of the original, do not go into this movie expecting the Wilder version. You WILL be disappointed. The similarities will make you expect the same warm feelings, but for some reason, you might leave the theater cold, and maybe angry.

It was a colorful film, and there was some good acting, but the menacing, mysterious Wonka is definitely missing. Maybe it wasn't Depp's fault, but with the combination of makeup, script, and character development, we end up with what everyone else is calling a androgynous Jacko-Wonka. Depp doesn't have that semi-psychotic explosiveness that Wilder's Wonka had. Depp's character is more true to the book, but let's face it, Wilder's Wonka makes the audience fear and love him at the same time. With Depp, you have a non threatening wise cracking, high pitched Wonka. Adults will make the connection to Michael Jackson, but it is doubtful that the kiddies will. Highmore does an excellent job with Charlie, and isn't as annoying as the original Charlie. His family also has more interaction. As far as the kids: Augustus was improved, much funnier; Veruca,..well, honestly the original Veruca definitely seemed more like a spoiled little brat, so you were happier to see her go; Mike TV is annoying in both films, however, I kinda liked the original's Jay Leno-ish lisp. The implementation of video games for the new Mike will probably connect better with kids though; Violet was definitely improved, and her mom was just creepy, but thats good.

The beloved familiar songs are gone, and while the lyrics of the new soundtrack might be clever and humorous, the accompanying music is too loud and cluttered to hear it. While I was watching, I noticed that most songs ended without a chuckle from the audience, and I attribute that to them being inaudible. The effects were well done, a nice surprise in this era of crap CGI laziness in Hollywood. The Oompas are all the same character, which honestly doesn't really bug me that much. The music is what let me down. I like the background on the Oompas, it added a little fresh air to the movie, and gave you something new, and not redone.

You definitely get a little more knowledge of Wonka's background as well as Charlie's family, including a dad that was not present in the first flick. I thought the background story was good, however, it was not presented in a timely fashion. It's hard for this film to compete with the original, just on nostalgic value alone. The original is a bona fide classic, and even though technology has changed, it is not the most important factor. Especially in a movie that is supposed to tug at your heart strings, as well as dazzle your eyes.

Children will love it, and maybe cherish it when they are older, as the older generations now cherish the '71 version. But us older folks might leave the theater disappointed, noticing Hollywood's greedy hands as they stick their hands in our pockets while trying to distract us with 'amazing' CGI. Don't get me wrong, like I said before, the CGI was good, and the sets were great, but there was something missing, something needed to draw you in and captivate your imagination. I went into this with a solid confidence that if anyone could or should redo the original, the Burton/Elfman/Depp crew were the ones to do it. I've been a huge fan of the trio since I can remember, and have had, and will continue to have faith in their creativity and vision. Corpse Bride looks awesome, and I'm sure Burton will redeem himself with that one.

This is a delicate anomaly of a movie to review, so I'll end with this: Don't see it if you want to see a new, improved original. See it if you are taking your kids and family. The joy that they will get from it might stir up the joy you got from the original, just in case the new one doesn't tickle your fancy.
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