Flyin' Ryan (2003 Video)
84 minutes of my life that are never coming back.
29 July 2005
Flyin' Ryan is one of those movies that you occasionally see and you just can't tell if the movie is trying to be serious or if it's just one big joke. From the opening scene to the ending credits, I was laughing so hard because this movie is just AWFUL! The actors in this movie are inexperienced and it shows. No wonder! According to the biographies in the "special features", the most acting they've done is community theater.

I was trying to pin-point the bad things in the movie, and there are just too many. There's not much left to be said that hasn't been said here already.

The story is about a mom and a 12-year-old boy, Ryan, who move to the country with their loony aunt who's hobbies are weed whacking in the middle of the night and dumpster diving.

Ryan goes into town to make some friends, but Dirk and his gang of skateboarding meanies decide they don't like Ryan's face and push him into a lake that's obviously shallow yet somehow, Ryan can't stand up until his future friend, Nicki, falls in the water as well.

They become fast friends but what's not to like about a girl that knows all the capitals of every country who has twin siblings (not identical, silly!) that know baseball stats?

When I first started watching this movie, I assumed Ryan would be flyin' throughout the entire movie. Silly me! The title implies that Ryan flies, and he does, but it's hardly the main point (if there IS a point) of the movie. He flies about four times -- once over a huge ravine whilst escaping the vile Dirk, once to show Nicki is AWESOME!new skillz, once across the lake to save his raccoon-slash-dog Theo from a seemingly abandoned gold mine/nuclear power plant, and once more across the lake after a successful rescue mission. I'm not sure how it could be unsuccessful when he has technological advances such as ropes that he whips out while escaping Dirk and his overtly stupid cousin.

There are a bunch of random nature scenes as well. There's a nice shot of a deer and several scenes featuring extremely fascinating ducks. They're entirely too incongruous. Do they tie into the movie? No!

And neither do scenes like the one where they visit Nicki's cousin and go swimming in her pool so Nicki can teach Ryan how to swim (this new found skill never comes in handy again, so what's the point of even teaching him if he's not going to out-swim his foes?) and her cousin can fix his Heelys (they never mention him getting them back, so I assumed he never did, until he whipped them out later ...). There's also the karate master that jumps over a motorcycle. He's pretty awesome because not only can he teach karate lessons in the middle of the road, he can also catch stray tennis balls! Will he ever cease to amaze?

There's the intense scene in the hospital when Ryan attempts to deliver Theo to his aunt in the hospital. A police man starts chasing Ryan but gives up. He is soon followed by nurses/doctors who yell "NO DOGS! NO DOGS!" but luckily Ryan has a nurse for a mother and she somehow convinces the doctor to let the dog stay in the hospital. ("NO DOGS!" "What dog?" "OOOH... ALRIGHT! -sly grin-" I seriously could go on and on about how awful this movie is.

I tried telling my friend about this movie and I just couldn't run out of strange scenarios that came from this movie.

This movie was a complete waste of time and money. It provided me with a few laughs, but only because I simply could not believe that I found this movie, let alone it was actually MADE.
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