Sunrise (1927)
What an astounding movie!
1 August 2005
This is, without a doubt, one of the most impressive films I've ever seen! Nearly perfect in construction, wonderfully executed, flawlessly acted and worth every penny I paid to get it off Ebay.

The film presents the story of a man on a farm who is involved in an illicit affair with a woman from the City. She eventually talks him into killing his wife so they can be together. The man goes to do the dirty deed and... well, you'll just have to see what happens to believe it. No description that I can provide can do it justice.

If "Citizen Kane" is the culmination of all movie making techniques in the early "Talkie" era, then "Sunrise" is the culmination of all movie making techniques during the silent era. It is a real tragedy that Murnau didn't live long enough to make more movies. After seeing this film, you'll understand what a treasure the world lost when he died. Now let's get out there and find a copy of "Four Devils"!
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