Sing a Jingle (1944)
Formulaic musical
3 September 2005
There seems to have been a genre of wartime musicals of which i have been unaware.This consists of a well known star or band not,for some reason being drafted,and going to work,anonymous in a war factory.Then giving a show to sell war bonds.This one stars Allen Jones who by the time this film was made has clearly lost some of his drawing power at the box office have dropped from MGM big budget musicals to Universal B musicals.Given that the copy i watched was only 61 minutes long it is clear that this was meant for the bottom of a double bill.This film has not been on TV and is never likely to be shown at the NFT!Given that this is a very cheerful and engaging musical i can only give thanks to the Internet at my having been given a chance to obtain a copy.Maybe i should lend it to the BFI for further use!
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