Star Wars: Battlefront (2004 Video Game)
Its Paintball!
6 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I played the demo that came with the DVD Star Wars Trilogy and found it dull. Then when I saw it on discount I decided to buy it anyway. I could not of been more wrong! This game is fantastic. Its even better if you love paint ball! Starwars Battlefront is a 1st/3rd person shooter set in the star wars universe from episodes 1 - 6. You can fight in familiar locations then nick a x-wing or trade federation fighter or tank and use it to pummel the enemy, then land and fight on to win the command posts.

No overall storyline as just about anyone is familiar with the star wars story line, and you can play this story in 'Historic Battle Mode'. This is where you basically play galactic civil war (4-6) or Clone Wars (1-3). You start from being the Trade Federattion killing gungans (what a great level!!!) to playing Rebel soldiers destroying shield generator on Endor. The missions are always the same with some variants - capture enemy command posts and defend yours. Sounds repetitive? Far from it, you always need new tactics and strategies as well as work with your units available - from blaster trooper, pilot, rocket-launcher trooper, sniper and specialist. Each of the 4 playable factions (Separatists, Republic, Rebels and Empire)have own ships and tanks for you to climb into and steal from the enemy! There is so much to do and concentrate on, you really feel like your in the battle!

The paint ball feel is quality, defend, capture or annihilate enemy. You need to capture more command posts to improve your positions on one of the many maps - from Tatooine to Geonoise (which is my favourite level). You need them to bring in your reinforcements to smash theirs, so this means you could have a good handle on the battle then very quickly take a hammering and they can switch to the lead!

Then there is the multi player ability, play with your mates or go head to head over net. This is brilliant, co op or versus. One downside is the Xbox should have the 4 player mates team play but only has 2 like PS2.

This games has great graphics, sounds, excellent game play and most important of all amazing replay value, you want to keep coming back to conquer in new and better ways. I recommend this game highly.
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