Don't Go to Sleep (1982 TV Movie)
TV's Horror Classic
11 September 2005
This film made such an impression on me that I can even remember our local TV critic saying that he had not seen it, but, ABC was particularly impressed with the final product, handing out rubber lizards with review tapes.

This intriguing nugget only spiked my interest and believe me, this film is the real deal.

Ned Wynn wrote a screenplay that was ready for major film production. The dialog and story is filled with pathos and heartbreaking family conflicts. Wrapped around this is a ghostly tale of madness and revenge.

A top-notch cast, including Ruth Gordon, Dennis Weaver and Valerie Harper, seemingly inspired by the strong story give heartfelt and sometimes painfully real performances, but it is the acting of young Robin Ignico as Mary, who really carries the film with a bravura performance, especially in the closing act. Kudos should also go to Kristen Cumming as Jennifer. Perhaps the scariest ghost ever on television The story follows the horrifying breakdown of a family through the apparent ghostly manipulations of a recently deceased daughter, who's tragic death demands revenge.

The story pulls no punches with suspense and shocks, with the ghostly Jennifer's startling first appearance and the final scene being highlights. Smartly, the script allows for both a mundane or supernatural explanation. Take your pick, but you don't have to ask what I think.

A true classic that should have been released on video a long time ago.
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