Summerslam (2004 TV Special)
Summerslam 2005 was better
14 September 2005
Match 1) Spike Dudley and the Dudleys Vs. Rey Mysterio, Paul London and Kidman. I found this match pretty long and boring. Not really giving two s#!+s about any of the wrestlers (excluding Mysterio of course) didn't help matters. As bland and boring as it was, it wasn't the worst of this pay per view. The Dudleys won but does anyone care? 3/10. They plays clips from Monday night Raw on how the next match/ love feud came about. Match 2) Matt Hardy Vs. Kane for Lita's pregnant hand in marriage with Kane's baby. Kane ceased being cool when he lost his mask and the dropped the hideously scarred face plot line, so I really wasn't looking forward to this match that much. Kane wins after an amazing choke slam, the only notable thing of the match. This causes Lita to run away 3/10. John Cena interrupts an interview with Randy Orton. Man I hate Cena. Match 3) Booker T Vs. wigger John Cena. After a lousy match, Cena wins 2/10.Theo Long and Eric Bischoff talk. Match 4) Batista Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. Edge in a Triple Theat Matchin a good match, then again it might have only looked good because of the lameness that came bore. 4/10. A promo for "Hard Knocks: the Chris Benoit Story" is shown. Match 5) Eddie Guerro Vs. Kurt Angle Good Ole' Kurt rarely disappoints in his matches and this one was no exception. Both are very capable technical wrestlers and it shows. Angle wins in one of the few bright spots of this PPV. 8/10. Clips of the events leading up to the next event are shown Match 6) Triple H beats Eugene in an alright match. Not really a Eugene fan. 5/10. Match 7) Diva Dodgeball. God the horror, the horror. Worse then a women's match (if such a thing is even possible) Simply horrid 0/10. Match 8) Undertaker Vs. JBL, after a good lengthy match JBL wins via disqualification, but Undertaker isn't done pummeling JBL yet. 8.5/10. Paramedics tend to JBL and cart him away. Commercial for Wrestlemania 21. Match 9) Randy Orton Vs. Chris Beniot. I like Orton's Motorhead theme song. Orton wins in a pretty tight match, becoming the World Champion. not the best match, but in the top 3 of the night 8/10

My Overall Grade:C-

DVD Extras: 11 Summerslam Promos; Behind the scenes of said promos; 3 clips from the Sunday Night Heat before the PPV; Evolution reacting to Orton's Victory; Eddie Guerrero consoling Benoit after his match; The Diva contestants being interviewed; and Trailers for the Gamecube game "Day of Reckoning", "Cheating Death, Stealing Life: the Eddie Guerrero Story", & "Vengence 2004"
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