Stay away ... Far away
15 September 2005
Wolves of Wall Street has an interesting concept. But, that is the only interesting element in this movie.

Here a Wall Street wanna-be fresh out of school and with no luck finding a position elsewhere joins a highly successful all-male Wall Street Firm whose initiation consists of transforming the new members into werewolves.

Now a Wall Street werewolf may be a new concept.

The concept that a werewolf is just a person in dark lighting, some blue make-up who catches his victims with his "odor" while novel is AWFUL. The reason it wasn't tried before is that it doesn't work.

The werewolves in the film are supposed to be completely irresistible to women, but there is hardly any evidence of this in the film. They cut in and out repeatedly of the two or so scenes of anything remotely erotic. And, I stress REMOTELY.

These werewolves are too "suave" to hunt or chase their prey. They just approach their intended victim and let their exuding natural pheromones do the rest. And other than a wet kiss on the victims' thigh, there doesn't seems to be much other damage.

I did learn this though: with pheromones, a designer suit and just the right "I'm too hot for you" glance, a werewolf can even "convert" a lesbian. But, in this case, a "lesbian" is a woman the werewolf can't get any vibes from. Sounds like the guy who gets rejected at the bar!

Nothing scary... No suspense... No special effects... No sex...

These wolves don't even have canine teeth!

If you want to see male models parading in fine suits looking smug, you will be quite pleased. The entire budget seems to be spent on clothes and bad actors, in that order.

Do yourself a favor ... just pass.
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