May 6th (2004)
Failed political statement
17 November 2005
As a political statement, this is a failed attempt, I have to agree with others here. The ridiculous ending points towards lack of self respect and respect for the viewer. Maybe it was done out of trying not to take oneself too seriously, if this was so, then that's failed too. It fails to make clear that killing Fortuyn was in response to what left-wing politicians said, and that it was necessary for Volkert van der G. to do so.

The only support for the conspiracy theory which is sort of makes sense is the fact that VvdG was arrested so quickly. However, we have to remember that in conspiracy theories, you don't have to prove anything, the lack of proof is proof itself. Still, you might cling to that old who-dun-it meme: "Follow da money!" Who benefited from his death? The left? Not really, (or rather, really not) they were vilified at the elections, lost 50 percent of their seats in Parliament and they didn't recover until recently. The loony Right? Maybe, because they had a martyr, and they milked that cow until it had Mad Cow disease, too. The arms/JSF lobby? Hmmm, yes and no. The JSF has been the govts choice, but it's controversial, since Dutch defense industry didn't get any deals out of it, so the left can make the truthful case that we're being sucked dry by the Americans. The centre party, the Christian Democrats? They DID profit, electorally, they were seen as a sensible alternative to the opportunistic Fortuyn-party. But perhaps the ones who profited most were the 'sensible' right, the conservatives. Everyone agrees that it is the Iron Heel of THEIR political agenda which now rules the Netherlands ...

Technically, the film was good, some of the camera work was even very good. Sparse, not too much. The lead actor wasn't bad, but he mumbled too much for him to get Best Actor prize. Totally ridiculous was the casting of the daughter! Especially in the scenes with the father, sometimes HE looked younger, despite his beard,

I found it totally unbelievable that she was 15! She's pretty, she's a good actress, but looked too old. Most ridiculous, the scene in the pool/waterparadise. Embarrassing.
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