SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom (2003 Video Game)
A missed opportunity.
22 November 2005
Capcoms fighting games may have always had the upper hand over SNK in terms of popularity and user friendliness, but when it game to presentation, SNK were always superior.

The graphics they used for their games were always so much more detailed better looking than capcoms cartoonish sprites.

So the fact that SNK vs capcom (a beat em up where characters from the two companies games battle each other)would be presented in SNKs style of graphics and animation is a good thing indeed! However thats perhaps the only good thing in this game.

The amount of characters you get to fight with is pretty minuscule compared to the tons of fighters playable in capcom vs snk 2. And the selection of characters themselves isn't really the line up i was hoping for.Also the music is awful and the backdrops are uninspired.

Great looking, but undeniably a missed opportunity .
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