Review of Jour de Fête

Jour de Fête (1949)
My brief review of the film
25 November 2005
Originally intended to be shown fully in colour, there is now a DVD release of the film in which every frame is colorized, however the most widely available print as of 2005 is a black and white one with a few objects coloured in by hand. That is the version that I watched, and which this review is about. The film has similarities to Tati's famous M. Hulot tetralogy, and although inferior, this is still amusing stuff, with the gags delivered through the action of the characters rather than their speech. The film is pretty much without plot, and the main story involving a postman only starts a significant way into it, but it still manages to amuse. The narration by an old woman does not enhance the film though. Certain random objects are coloured in for the black and white print, and while this is interesting too see, it is just a gimmick, and not anything artistic. There is little, if any, thematic motivation behind the choices of what is to be in colour, and therefore it barely enhances the film. Overall it is still an above average film despite its drawbacks, there is some interesting sound work and the selected music is delightful. It is entertaining, but lacking in the depth that 'Mon Oncle' and 'PlayTime' would display.
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