Gang Land (1998)
Pariah is a 20lbs of crap stuffed into a 5 lb bag
26 November 2005
After watching this attempt at film making I am glad that I didn't have to pay good money to see it. I have a friend that has an extensive collection of bad "B" movies in his collection and lent me this and a few others to watch while a was recovering from the flu. I told my friend to put Pariah in a new category of "C" films after suffering though it. I was sweating and had the shakes the entire time and I watched it and wasn't sure if it was the flu causing the sweating and shakes or the horrible movie I was watching. After watching the credits it was clear to me what the problem was. Anytime you get a first time film maker who writes AND directs their first film 9 times out of 10 it's going to be a mess. This film is a perfect example of that. Too long, poorly written, poorly acted, and most importantly what is the point of this film??????? The story is laughable and must have been written during a bad acid trip. Skin heads are dirt bags....we get it, but this film gave no insight into what makes these sub-human animals tick. And to compare this film to the likes of Romper Stomper and American history X leads me to believe that the people that put this film together are fluffing up their own movie on IMDb. Sad.
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