The Place of the Dead (1997 TV Movie)
Mountain Climb Gone Bad
27 November 2005
The Place Of The Dead is based on a true story about a group of British soldiers along with three Hong Kong soldiers who in 1994 go on an expedition to attempt to climb Mt. Kinabalu in S.E. Asia and then go Low's Gully in Malaysia, a place where others have tried and failed.

Everything was planned, rations doubled up, and off they go. Lt. Colonel Robert Neill(played wonderfully by Simon Dutton) wants everyone call each other by their first names, he wants to make it a more "casual" environment and treat each other like buddies.

Things go wrong, food is running out, miscommunication,insubordination, some of the men are beginning to think Neill is crazy and obsessed with the expedition.

Neill and Mayfield(a great portrayal by Dougray Scott)lock horns. They decide to split into two groups and Neill tells Mayfield to wait for him no matter what. Mayfield said he'll wait until morning. That's not what Neill told him.

When the groups split up, Mayfield's men wait for Neill's team for a while. He did not listen to his superior's orders. He leaves a note and continues on with his men. When Neill's team finally climbs down, they find the note and know they are one their own, one of Neill's men is very weak and on the verge of death.

Great acting by Simon Dutton, Dougray Scott, Dane Carson, and Greg Wise.
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