Review of Lifepod

Lifepod (1981)
let's hear it for low-budget sci-fi!
2 December 2005
Life Pod is one of those films to watch out for, should it appear on your local cable station's movie listings late at night. Those who dismiss it in the first glance will miss an unusually compelling, worthwhile science fiction film that belies its low-budget origin.

Let's briefly rattle off some of it's merits:

~It's got no annoying loopholes; everything works and makes sense. Odd how a 'small' movie can sometimes do this better than a big-budget production.

~The special effects don't get in the way of the story. And there is quite good photography, too.

~The narrative itself, focuses on a human situation, rather than being pointlessly technological, or un-engaging fantasy. It's the same foundation that made 'Alien' great. People are at the heart of this movie.

~Set design is complementary in that is innocuous, unobtrusive, measured. Again, properly servile to the plot.

~The actors are all low-budget actors from TV land. Once again, a case of "less is more". They are unknowns, so they are abstracted for the viewer, and this allows for fluid, accessible characterizations.

~Pacing is efficient, economical, simple, and linear, with no waste. The director takes us exactly to the emotional climax comfortably and confidently.

With all that said, I think its just a great little sci-fi story: an intriguing plot that, humbly executed in a no-frills manner, sticks with you over time. I would love to have this in my collection.
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