Blindfold (1966)
Took off the blindfold and saw de-light
9 December 2005
Channel 5 TV in Britain showed this film today 09/12/05 and I was very taken and surprised what a delightful and deftly made film it was/is. It was entertaining and though not deep you always sensed that all was not what it appeared to be and there would be a sting in the "tale".

Being blindfolded would never seem to portend a good omen a would always be an indication of undergoing a pretty serious experience though it's a way of you not seeing too much so that it may possibly portend eventual survival .

Seeing blindfolded men these days seem to be a prelude for having your head sawn off whilst still alive, a la Iraq, so there is always in this situation which carries a serious thread even it is interwoven with a comic touch and a dry sense of humour as is this film and the film is a success: an accomplished weave of dynamic and contrasting interplay of humour and seriousness: walking that particular tightrope is an act were you can easily fall off long before you reach the finish at the other end: too much rope for some films but this one skips there easily.
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