The Final Sacrifice (1990 Video)
It's "Mitchell" with the rich, bacony taste of Canada!
28 December 2005
A quick rip through the IMDb database reveals that none of the principal actors in this trainwreck went on to surprise here.

Between Rowsdower's mullet, Troy's questionable dentistry, and Mike Pipper's killer Yosemite Sam imitation, there's not much room left for action, which is just as well. Personally I thrilled to the endless sights of black-tunicked ectomorphs running after Zap (hell, an arthritic turtle could have caught this guy, but not this bunch. Shoulda cut eye-holes in the masks, guys.) For those of you wondering what happened to the candy-apple-red Gran Torino from "Starsky and Hutch", it's alive and burning oil in Canada -- and it can't catch a scrawny kid on a ten- speed bike. Sad, really.

This film was, I'm told, the hit of the Canada's famous Eagle Hat Film Festival...the 10 or so attendees gave it four stars, which tells you something about the competition...

Best line from the 'bots: " gonna be a guide or a Mountie when you grow up?"
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