Review of Bullitt

Bullitt (1968)
Snooze Fest '68
7 January 2006
Bullitt is a somewhat stylish vehicle for Steve McQueen about a San Fransciso cop. Unfourtunatley the film is boring. Bullitt will forever be a part of film history for its ground breaking car chase scene. Seven hundred horsepower of classic American muscle roaring down the streets of San Fransciso-INCREDIBLE!

Sadly, the car chase scene is one of the few redeeming qualities of the film. In a documentary about the making of Bullit, it was said that McQueen's goal for the film was reality. The film achieved "reality" through shooting documentary style and limiting use of Lalo Schifrin's musical score. The result was a long, quiet and boring movie.

The film could have used some tighter editing. Most of the film is silent with the characters not really doing anything at all. I can't believe Bullitt won an Oscar for best editing!

The limited use of musical score was bothersome also. During crucial climactic scenes (chase scenes)at the end of the film there was no music at all. It was just McQueen running around on a tarmac. The quietness of the film makes it sleep inducing at times.

There are a few positives in the film. The opening credit sequence is quite stylish and impressive and holds up very well today. Robert Yates does a solid job at direction and McQueen, Vaughn and Bissett turn in good performances. The famous car chase scene is indeed a classic but the rest of the film is forgettable and quite boring.

They said the goal of this film was reality...the reality is I got real bored with Bullitt.

Car Chase: 9/10 (classic)

McQueen Rating: 7/10 (cool as always)

Overall Rating: 6/10
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