Awful Orphan (1949)
An excellent pig/dog conflict
11 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Porky Pig asks the Acme Pet Shop to deliver him a canary, and instead he receives an obnoxious, playful dog who causes nothing but misery for him. From here on, all Porky wants to do is get rid of the dog to maintain peace in his apartment, but no matter how hard Porky tries, the dog will not go away. And that is the basic plot for "Awful Orphan," a fun, entertaining cartoon directed by Chuck Jones.

My favorite gags in this short are the following (DO NOT read any further until after you see it): The ubiquitous dog proves himself to be a pointer by actually pointing a finger in certain directions and saying, "Dere it is!" Porky then points to the door, says "Dere it is," and literally kicks the dog out! Later on, Porky quickly wraps the dog up and mails him off to Siberia. Believing that he is finally rid of the pesty dog once and for all, Porky realizes he is mistaken when the dog returns in a Russian military outfit & busby hat and greets Porky in a thick Russian accent. (Of course, no other voice artist could do accents as hilariously as Mel Blanc could.) The dog then dances a lively jig and repeatedly kicks Porky in time to the music. And during the film's opening credits, thanks to the musical genius of Carl Stalling, we hear one of my favorite songs, "You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby."

"Awful Orphan" is definitely a cartoon that supplies a great deal of laughter. It might not be too difficult to feel sorry for Porky, but he at least does get his revenge in the end.
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