Everything (II) (2004)
EvErYtHiNg Is NoThInG!!!!!!
18 February 2006
An overweight man with a Don Johnson beard is our main character, he's unfortunate to look at. He looks up a hooker who is worn out looking and must be pushing 40 if not already hurdled past. They sit together in a crappy run down apartment, and he asks her creepy questions but won't have sex with her. Since this is pretty psychotic it creeps her out- OK.. we get that in the first 5 minutes.. where is the rest of the idea? It promptly falls flat on its' face after delivering the idea and the only tool it has left is boredom and lack of action as a clumsy attempt at building suspense.

After 7 minutes you go.. OK does anything ever happen in this piece of crap? Well.. you will be waiting for half an hour before any skin presents itself and be promptly let down directly after. And so we plod through this trash. The hooker has a very interesting body- it is quite athletic, almost to the point of androgyny, but she has a butter face. Her body is hot but her face...

So you would expect either sex or violence in large quantities to present themselves but it just kind of bumbles along in a mind numbing lack of action and lack of any sort of plot development.

This video will be a great joke to play on someone- tell them it is the sexiest most mind blowing heart pounding movie. They will hate you forever because this is anything but!!!!!!!!!!

As Rick James said- I wish I had me 4 hands so I could give it four thumbs down!
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