I never saw this picture and cannot comment on the actual film.
26 February 2006
This was the final picture shown at the famous New York City movie palace, the Roxy, the self-exclaimed "Cathedral of the Motion Picture." The Roxy opened in 1928 amid mid-Manhatten Roaring Twenties fanfare. By the mid-1950's, the theater was showing it's age through years of neglect and declining revenues, i.e. competition from television and general flight of patrons to the suburbs. It was during the late '50's to the late '80's that the large picture palaces were vanishing to the wrecker's ball, and the Roxy fell without a whimper from the public. After showing "The Wind Cannot Read," in the spring of 1960, the Roxy was closed and demolished in three months. A famous photo exists of silent movie actress Gloria Swanson in an elegant gown posing amid the Roxy's gloomy ruins; one of her silents opened the Roxy in 1928. A tragic end to a magnificent structure, only 32 years old at the time.
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