Stereotypical tripe
1 March 2006
I just watched this 'movie' and I must say that it was possibly one of the worst that I have ever seen.

First off there is the stereotypical portrayal of the goth subculture. By golly....all goths worship Satan and want their classmates dead! When I was a goth in high school(late 1980's)I personally worshiped a fellow student who committed suicide and prayed to him to kill all of the 'jocks'. You better believe it!!! It's like the makers of the film studied my life and patterned the 'goths' in the movie after me! WOW!!!If you can't tell that I am being sarcastic then you probably like this movie.

Everything about this movie is trite and patterned on stereotypes. Even the ending is typical. The 'evil' looking 'goth' kids suddenly change their clothes and are happy. As if changing your clothes can all of a sudden change your whole entire attitude. Every time I wear jeans and a 'normal' shirt I know that I feel at peace with the world and want to throw frisbees in a park.

About twenty minutes from the ending my boyfriend commented that he thought it was a 'christian' movie, and he was right. Who else but close minded bigots would portray a subculture is such a light. Instead of actually doing some research they perpetuated the whole 'goths' are evil stereotype. Not all Christians are bigots, but the people who made this movie are sure not practicing what they are preaching.

Stay away from this movie. If you are reading this while drunk you may want to look into it just for the pure entertainment value of seeing David Keith with an upside-down cross drawn on his forehead.
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