Judgement Day (1988)
I love this movie...
14 April 2006
This movie is so cool. I saw it in my adolescence, and now I wish I could find a copy to own and cherish. I loved the idea for this movie so much, that I plagiarized the story for my seventh grade creative writing class and received an 'A' on it! There's something about the cinematography and scenery that just captures the oppressive heat and humidity of the area that lends the overall film a very sinister undertone. My buddy and I rented this flick from a little "mom and pop shop" in our small town over summer vacation. It was so hot that summer and my parents didn't have air conditioning, but the basement was always cool and damp. So I'd rent all these great cheesy horror flicks to get out of the heat. I'd sit in my darkened basement and my buddy and I would just get the biggest kick outta these movies. Judgement Day was one of my favorites. A couple others that I have fond memories of are: The Curse of the Blue Lights, Spookies, 9 1/2 Ninjas, Popcorn, The Howling, and Dolls. What can I say? I love this movie... And I can't wait to get a copy of this... I can almost feel the preteen hormonal excitement rushing over me again in a nostalgic euphoria. Definitely check out this movie if you're so fortunate as to come across it.
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