Boa vs. Python (2004 Video)
Run away screaming from this film
20 April 2006
What an incredibly bad movie. I won't rehash what recent commentators have said about the plot holes, but they are correct. The acting was quite spotty as well. The filmmakers obviously knew how bad this was, so at a lot of times they moved the controls toward camp. However, they weren't confident enough to make a truly campy film, which is not easy. Thus it is left with just execrable badness. The snakes looked really, really fake, too. They did not behave like snakes, either, but then, if they did, there would not be all that much to make a movie out of. This is an obvious aping of "Anaconda" which had its own problems. The absolutely only thing this film has going for it are Angel Boris' buns and boobies. If you're not looking for that, then run away screaming from this film.
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