Celtic Pride (1996)
Deserves To Be Dunked In The Dumper
25 April 2006
As a Celtic fan for a number of years, I was looking forward to this film, only to be a victim of the filmworld's incredible bias. This tape got slammed-dunked in the garbage pail, where it belongs.

I was totally offended at Dan Ackroyd making several out-and-out extremely bigoted anti-Christian statements, designed for cheap laughs that would never be permitted had he been denigrating any other religion or race or group. If that wasn't enough, we get a guy holding a sign with Scripture reference acting rude and then getting beat up....for laughs again. Incredible. This movie doesn't stop there. We also see a black guy yelling racist remarks that a white person would never get away with saying, and rightly so.....but in Hollywood, these double standards still exist.

It turns out the only funny thing in the movie was the parody of fans who take sports too seriously. That was the idea behind the story, so why all the religious cheap shots?
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