Lightning Bug (2004)
A real-time, mellowed-out, honest movie
30 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Lightning Bug is above all a great movie. It possesses many aspects of real life and the hardships people face. One thing very unique about the movie is that it sends you through constant emotions; funny, strange, happy, scared, depressed, and mellow. The acting is above all, excellent and the actors and actresses involved possess one thing many other movies don't possess, truth and a surreal reality. By the end of the movie, you feel a different emotion for each character and something as if you knew each person personally. The use of a real-time effect takes you through the movie with ease and emotion. Although the movie is only so long it feels as if you were a part of dealing with each characters hardships especially, Bret Harrison's. Another point to point out is that the selection of music is overly perfect. Kevn Kinney seems to add to the relative tone of the movie and the desolation of a life in Alabama. By the end of seeing the movie you really notice the subtle acting emotions that truly and utterly add to the realism of each scene and moment. Truth be told, the underlying message of the whole movie is: Follow your dreams no matter where they take you, perservation and determination are key in part to everything you dream of and want in life. No dream is out of reach and no dream requires one to give up all fun and past time, but in truth the unique blend of both make each one of us, who we are and determine where we go, stay true and close to your dreams but always remember two things; never forget where you came from and never forget how you got there.
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