The Unknown (2005)
just what to expect from a D-movie
9 May 2006
This one is bad ! Bad acting, bad SFX (if u can call it that) and even worse plot. Bigfoot - who looks like he is made out of paper mache by a 6-year old - is angry for some reason but u never get to know why or why it starts killing people. While Harry & the Hendersons was big fun this one is dull, uninteresting, the plot goes nowhere and they added an Indian that wanders the woods to make it look more authentic .. or so I think. The movie could have been made by your neighbour and his kids with their digital camera .. absolute amateurism

I'm not going to waste any more words on it : utter utter utter crap (like my English)

I'll give it 2/10 because of the cool poster (for the "Clawed" version)
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