Three Dark And Bleak Short Films From Douglas Buck...
15 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
FAMILY PORTRAITS is a collection of three short films from director Douglas Buck that includes CUTTING MOMENTS, HOME, and PROLOGUE. Overall, the films make for a pretty dark and depressing viewing experience, but that's not necessarily a bad thing...

CUTTING MOMENTS is the most "graphic" of the bunch and seems to be a favorite among gore-heads with it's strong depictions of self-mutilation. The story is about a wife whose husband pays her absolutely no attention, and is sexually molesting their son. After trying to make him "feel" something for her again to no avail, the wife takes drastic measures that are sure to open his eyes...

HOME is similar to CUTTING MOMENTS theme-wise, minus the ultra-graphic violence. A man who grows up watching his father abuse his mother tries to keep from becoming like his father, but unfortunately the emotional scars are too deep...

PROLOGUE is the longest and most in-depth of the bunch, and focuses around a girl who lost her hands in a car accident, and the story slowly unfolds as to the circumstances of what happened...

FAMILY PORTRAITS is a pretty "heavy" viewing experience and is recommended to those that dig "dark" films. CUTTING MOMENTS, as stated before, will be of interest to the gore-lovers because it has a couple "rough" moments, but as short as it is, I was actually hoping for a little more - but it does do the trick. The other shorts are solid as well, and are more emotionally "strong" than graphically harsh - but all three are quite good. Recommended..8.5/10
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