The Mudge Boy (2003)
Mudge Boy and Fishbelly WHite
19 May 2006
I just watched "Fishbelly White" about two weeks after I first saw "The Mudge Boy." I was surprised to see that "Fishbelly" is a shorter, earlier version of "Mudge Boy" (kinda like "Some Folks Call It a Sling Blade" and "Sling Blade"); some scenes are almost identical, but the shorter version is, of course, less fleshed-out and less detailed. For example, neither boy's father plays any significant role.

Unlike the shorter "Sling Blade," though, "Fishbelly" does tell the whole story.

I think Emile Hirsch in "Mudge" made a better "Chicken Boy" than Jason Hayes in "Fishbelly", but just because he's less "geeky" and therefore, to me, more heartbreaking in the end. "Mudge Boy" is all the more tragic because Duncan at first thinks he's been accepted by the other, older kids.


As for "Mudge Boy" being about Duncan's gay issues, I think that's wishful thinking and way off the mark. As far as we can tell, Duncan's most meaningful relationship---emotional as well as physical--- has been with a chicken. It would not be unusual for ANY adolescent who is so alienated to want to touch or kiss any person, regardless of sex. I don't think this is a "gay" film, as so many people have categorized it.

Interestingly, I used to work with an emotionally starved 15-year-old boy from Vermont (location of this film) who loved his chicken Robert; we'll call the boy Tom. The other boys in the program mocked Tom, because Robert seemed to be his best friend. However, Robert's head never ended up in Tom's mouth (as far as I know).
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