Review of Black Cloud

Black Cloud (2004)
Not accurate portrayal of Navajo people
29 May 2006
There are several scenes and things in this movie which I don't think are authentic. For example, Black Cloud's great-grandfather was a German. When he discovers this, he starts saying he is "mixed-blood", and acts devastated because of it. He is refused reservation housing because of this fact also.Most tribes only require about 1/8th Indian blood to qualify as a member of the tribe. I can't believe the Navajo's require 100% purity to be called a Navajo.

I am not sure where this film was shot, but it sure looks like the Navajo reservation. Many of the houses and roads look authentic too. The scenery is the best part of the film.

I hate to cut down an actor, because they are all better than anything I could do. But I have to say that the star's performance is not very inspiring. He is very wooden, and his expressions are much overdone. The idea of a young Navajo trying to make the Olympics is a good one, but the script also leaves a lot to be desired.

This film is much more authentic than the John Wayne film they refer to in the movie, but it could be so much better.

The score in this film is totally wrong. Country and western and rock tunes just don't fit. A good score could have added a lot.

If you question what I have said, let me assure you that I have been on the reservation several times. I have been around many Navajos, and have the greatest respect for them. I have read all of Tony Hillerman's books, which are so authentic that the Navajo people love them. If you want to learn about the Navajo people, those books can provide very accurate insight. This film had the potential to be a very good movie, but it turned out to be only average!
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