The Ultimate Trip, exploring our beliefs.
30 May 2006
2001: A Space Odyssey is truly a unique film. Not because of the incredible accuracy in portraying space travel, not because the special effects are unrivaled, and not because one of the characters is a machine which goes insane. 2001 is unique because it examines the questions of 'Where did we come from?', 'Why are we here?', and 'Where are we going?'. More a statement of philosophy than a piece of entertainment, 2001 uses the power of cinema to evoke wonder in the audience.

Some people believe that we are not alone in the Cosmos. Either way you look at it, the concept is staggering. Could we be the result of an experiment performed millions of years ago? Are we being monitored, to determine if we are a success? What is the end-point of our evolution? 2001 is not a story about someone overcoming adversity, it is an expression of awe at our existence, and faith that we can become more than we are.
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