Review of No Alibi

No Alibi (2000)
It could have been SO much worse!
6 June 2006
Sitting here watching this film right now for the second time, I can't really understand why some people found it confusing at all! Brother PHILLY inadvertently steals laundered Mob money, CAMILLE (Lexa Doig) is not who she says she is, she is set to seduce the wrong brother (CAIN) and his sleazy thief of a brother eventually ends up dead...the rest is Dean Cain playing detective and Eric Roberts chewing the scenery as usual. Boring, pedestrian and completely predictable dialog, gratuitous female nudity, unprotected sex in grimy slimy washroom (resulting in Camille carrying Philly's kid most likely although that is never addressed), so many wasted and utterly undeveloped characters, but it could have been worse! Always remember that! Cain's motivation is clear "he's my f***ing brother, don't tell me to let it go" (but WHY did he wait an entire year to begin searching for clues?), the interplay with Dean and Camille is realistic most of the just goes off track. And what about the BABY? And the money? The cop gets hit in the head and is never seen again, the evil Camille walks away, Cain kills the bad guy--where's the payoff? I think that may be the reason that people find this film unsatisfying--there's 90 plus minutes of set-up and a one minute wrap-up that resolves absolutely nothing.

It could have been released in theaters but you can see why it wasn't! Instead of a top-notch thriller, it ends up being bargain basement...just something to watch when there's nothing but reruns and infomercials on! 'Nuff said!
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