Hilarious Mockumentary!
9 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Are movies fun to watch? Yes! Are they fun to make? Not really. Even Steven Spielberg himself has often referred to "Jaws" as his own personal Vietnam. Now we get an inside look on just how "not fun" it is in the hilarious mockumentary "Actress Apocalypse".

Filmmaker David B. Lincoln the 3rd sets out to make what he believes will be his magnum opus, an epic slasher film called "Clearwater Canyon". And what is this movie about? Get ready..........a big, gay, mulleted Indian who likes to murder women. Where is it being filmed? In a shed. Lincoln has so much confidence in his project that he hires a film crew to document the experience.

An actress shows up to read for a role. She is then exposed to the script which, needless to say, contains some of the worst dialogue ever written. This sets her off on a rant in which she insults the filmmaker and his would be film.

Enter the director's psychedelic nut case of a brother, Vance Lincoln, whom he puts in charge of the auditions. These two are as different as day and night. David wants to realize a vision and Vance just wants to get laid. Vance refers to the actresses as hookers and questions his brother's film-making methods. This leads to one of the funniest moments in the film in which Vance proclaims "He doesn't even make these girls suck his c**k! You call that professionalism?"

After a procession of bitchy actress, Vance starts to become unhinged right before our very eyes. He decides that he wants to take control of "Clearwater Canyon" and turn it into zombie movie. A gay zombie movie. This in turn causes even more tension between the two brothers. More bickering ensues and then the inevitable happens. Vance kills one of the actresses and slasher turns to snuff. David however is determined to get his film made so a dead actress is merely a temporary set back. He continues to leave Vance in charge of the auditions and the bodies continue to pile up.

Actress Apocalypse is one of the funniest off the wall comedies that I have seen in awhile! It takes the world of independent film-making and turns it on it's pretentious, overblown head. The performances are great too! Greg G. Freeman is a star in the making. An actor of immense charisma and talent whose convincing performance as the murderous brother will leave you hoping for some sort of continuation of the character. Jay Ingle also provides many laughs as a camera man whose flamboyant wardrobe would cause Elton John to do a double take. And last but not least, David Nigoghossian's dead on performance as the dim witted yet egotistical director.

I should warn you that there is a large amount of nudity in this film so if nudity is something that offends you then ummmm.........good luck with that.

Speaking of nudity I was very impressed with the caliber of women that the filmmakers found for this. Usually, when a film is this low budget, you tend to end up with broads covered in bruises and track marks. The girls of "Actress Apocalypse" are all very healthy and drop dead gorgeous.

Being that this is such a low budget film, the audio isn't exactly THX quality but if you are a Herschell Gordon Lewis fan like myself, that shouldn't bother you too much.

So be sure to check out "Actress Apocalypse". I don't think I'll ever look at backyard film-making in quite the same way!
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