Star Trek: The Naked Time (1966)
Season 1, Episode 4
No Beach to Walk on... as The Ship Spirals Down
17 June 2006
Here, we learn that Kirk yearns to walk on a beach somewhere, perhaps with Yeoman Rand. This episode is probably best known as the one with Sulu, stripped to the waist, running around the ship's corridors with a sword. But, it's this episode where we learn a lot of interesting things about the main characters, so all the actors get a chance to shine a bit, including Hyde as young crewman Riley in the first of his two appearances on the show. Hyde provides most of the amusing scenes in this episode, but it's not really a comedy, such as "I,Mudd" or a "A Piece of the Action." It's a grimly amusing tone as Hyde manages to take over the engine room and the ship then starts to spiral downward towards the planet the Enterprise is orbiting, it seems to certain doom. What Kirk really needed to refine after this episode is ship's security; not only do they ignore Spock's request to escort Riley to sickbay, they then let him take over the ship - all by his lonesome!

Besides Riley, a nutty Irishman at heart, Sulu reveals his secret taste for swashbuckling, nurse Chapel turns out to be secretly in love with Spock, who shows a tendency to weep uncontrollably over his lot in life (half-Vulcan, half human) and, finally, Kirk seems caught between his love of the Enterprise and more normal desires. I was puzzled as to why Uhura wasn't affected by this strange space disease (altered water, it turned out), since she had prolonged contact with the sweaty Sulu (that's how the disease spreads). The disease forces all the hidden desires and emotions of the affected crew to the surface. It's a far better depiction of released inhibitions than the later retread on TNG - "The Naked Now," where everything was very one-note by comparison.

The episode is brilliantly paced and directed. It begins rather slowly and uneventfully, not quite routine since they find a scientific party which is dead by mysterious circumstances. There's an ominous tone to this first act, but it gives no hint of the wild madness to come. Things escalate rapidly to a delirious pitch, with Kirk near panic as he loses all control of the ship and then himself. There are some great stylistic flourishes during the final act, such as a fevered Kirk's entry into one of the lifts, where he sees the words written in red paint - it's almost surreal. And, of course, his confrontation with Spock and their mutual slapping scene is one of the all time classics. You never look at any of these characters in quite the same way after this episode.
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