The Norseman (1978)
Is this on MST3K?
26 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If not, it should be. The 6 million dollar Viking! Where are those robots when you need them?

SPOILER warning - There may be spoilers, there may not. I'm not sure, but the warning scared me so I figured I'd stray on the side of safety.

What to say? The acting is terrible, the costuming worse. The Vikings are rather un-fearsome, particularly as they have armor and swords and shields (all painfully obviously plastic) while their foes have bows and, well, pointy sticks. Lee Majors, for some bizarre reason, wears a Zorro-esquire mask under his snail-shell helmet, pronounces Norse as "Norz" and seems to be outfitted more like a Roman legionary. The Vikings throw battle-axes and are wearing sweatpants. Swords appear out of nowhere. You get the picture.

Some one mentioned the plausibility of a conflict between Vikings and Native Americans. Even mentioned Vinland. Sure, except the North American presence of Vikings was in Labrador and Newfoundland. Not Florida. This was filmed in Tampa. There are palm trees everywhere.

Really, really ridiculous, but I can't give it a 1 because there is just so much to crack on in this movie.
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