Totally Awesome!!
15 July 2006
I'm watching my old videotape of the show now...this program is so minty! me n my sister is are like in love with oliver Auckland or whatever (mars) and i love the assistant of the leader pirate guy (dougall) coz hes so random and funny! anywho I'm getting into the pirate fever now coz of pirates of the Caribbean and this show plus the latest fashions at supre and glassons remind me of pirates! my favourite quote of the whole series is when mars and Kate come back from the river all wet and stuff and the little sisters all like: what happened?! and the girls like: nothing... and mars is like: ...much!! i couldn't stop laughing and my bestie loves it too. anyways even though I'm like 15 this show is waaaay addictive and to tell you the truth i enjoy watching it more than season 3 of the oc...and thats like big for me coz I'm a total OC fanatic.
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