Appalling exploitation flick.
18 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is specifically designed for a certain audience who will see little fault in it - unfortunately it has little to recommend it as a work of art.

Ridiculously contrived, with enough plot holes to make a swiss cheese the film starts with a nonsensical 'drug bust' scene. It is clear from this very early stage that the film has absolutely no grasp of reality and is intent on inventing scenes to appease the prejudices of its desired audience.

We are asked to believe that a squeaky clean family are in fact representatives of a group named Veritas, who uncovered the truth about various incidents (surely a different group would run a drug bust? and how many dealers blurt out the entire hierarchy of their organisation to people they haven't met before). In an attempt to be objective one must willingly suspend one's disbelief, which is fine until out heroine screams because she has seen a hockey mask on a wall - must have been some rigourous training there, eh? This film sends all notions of brave women back to the dark ages and becomes a moray of subtly prejudicial statements and comments aimed at selling a certain lifestyle.

The contradictions become numerous: bullies who change their money grabbing ways within 5 minutes of meeting the (tough and highly trained) girl, 'tough' Gothic types who won't even defend themselves in the face of bullying. the genius nerd who is, in fact, a bitter and twisted psychopath.

As for the plot itself - it lurches from an interesting idea to plain laughable. Unfortunately relying on bizarre misinformation about one of the most maligned of creatures.

Facts mean nothing in the face of pushing the twee and cheesy message. Avoid at all costs - even if your pastor tells you it is worth watching. Let's have some dignity here, please.
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