Under the Graffiti Bridge
22 July 2006
With such potential to be major and yet, with such manner of 'pooch-screwin'' going on. Who am I to judge? Well la dee dah, who in the Hell do I have to be? I paid to see this one, that's who I am.

The only reason I gave it a '1' was because Morris Day was in it. Although the director really sucked and then Sucked, and sucked some more. Sorry Prince old' boy.

From the 'sets' and decor to the story or lack there of, this goofy feature was just spinning out of reason, plot, goodness, sense, creativity and sanity. Was this musical 'sewer-pickle' supposed to be a serious work? Or was it just the boys from Minneapolis getting together for a screen party? Funny thing is, Prince has a super creative mind in music, apparently that doesn't translate well to film...unfortunately. I mean...I'm not pickin'on Mr. Nelson, but take a look at 'Purple rain'. It won awards, but was not directed by Prince.

Now I should clarify the only directing of his that was okay, was 'Under The Cherry Moon' (1986) In contrast thought I don't believe the numbers at the box office were sustaining for that movie project.

Good news is, the sound track was a 'seller' from what I understood. I don't know if I'll ever figure what he was attempting to convey, other than to bring about the glory days of a sequel to 'Rain'. Next time get a better writer/director combo and take a little more time on the development of the story and it's characters. Go back to 'real' locations, not fake-looking set-ups. Try a documentary, maybe.(*)
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