Radio (2003)
Plenty of heart in this touching story
31 July 2006
Radio is an unusual story, based on the factual friendship of a small-town high school coach, and a young developmentally disabled man.

I find it a touching film; a tribute to the versatile acting talent of Cuba Gooding, Jr. A harmless, friendless, and misunderstood young man nicknamed "Radio" who wanders around with an ever-present transistor radio, (hence his nickname) is ridiculed as a "retard" by the locals. Gooding puts his heart and soul into this role, making Radio a likable, endearing guy you would want to have as a friend. Ed Harris as the coach, does just that, befriending the young man, and taking him under his wing. The two actors portray this simple yet touching friendship that makes them both grow as people with gentle sincerity.

Occasionally, the film is hard to watch, what with cruel pranks played on the poor ingenuous Radio. It's a bitter pill to swallow, to see that vile and detestable element still permeates our society. Yet through all of this cruelty, and the excruciating loss of a loved one (a tearful, heart wrenching scene), Radio stands and becomes an inspiration to others.

The film has minor weaknesses: subplots involving the coach's family problems, such as his daughter being jealous of Radio add little to the story, and seem thrown in just for padding. They are not developed well, either.

Overall, a good, heartfelt and touching story worth seeing.
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