Terrifying and Beautiful, Stone's Cinematic Tribute is A Bold and Exacting Momument to Heroism...In Every Form
10 August 2006
I loved this movie- I have to say, and it wasn't because I wanted to love it. Rather, I went into the theater with very low expectations, thinking Hollywood, thinking exploitation, thinking miscast and misdirected intentions, but still wanting to see how it all turned out. And I was very, very surprised and very, very happy I did, because Mr. Stone has redeemed what has been (of late) an extremely disappointing and dissipating career. With bold cinematic candor and haunting artistic eloquence, Stone reminds us of the evil in our world, and what we can do about fighting it and replacing it with love. By remembering heroes and courage, Stone has crafted what just may be the finest film released this summer. And most importantly, "World Trade Center" reminds us how art- especially film- can create lasting testaments to the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles and ultimately triumph.
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