Big Bear Week (2006– )
An excellent intelligent series.
13 August 2006
Rarely do I get hooked on television programmes like Big Bear Week. It's like a documentary but it also comes of as being dramatic too. It focuses on 3 teams lead by the expert presenters Jonathan Scott (Big Bear/Cat Week), the adorable Saba Douglas Hamilton (Big Bear/Cat Week) and the newcomer Jeff Turner. Each presenter tracks a certain species with Scott following a family of brown bears, Hamilton tracking polar bears and Turner following black bears I think all in different regions of a fabulous landscape. The show is very intelligent and informative, also the presenters help emphasise the drama of how these bears live, the dangers and struggles they must face every day to survive so they make you think about bears in a whole new perspective. The presenters also become emotionally attached to their subjects which also helps the viewer sympathise with the bears and keeps them interested from start to finish. All five episodes are full of fresh views and situations which keep the viewer hooked. Each episode ends with a teaser which invites the viewer to tune in next time to see what happens it's a bit like a soap/drama. It is also nice to see how the presenters relate to the bears, as Jeff Turner felt he was attached to his bear as it ate a lot of vegetation and he is a vegetarian. This is another point some people forget that bears are omnivores. Overall Big Bear Week is fresh, exciting and sometimes thrilling, and even if you're not interested in bears (I'm not) you will find it hard to resist tuning into after the first episode. I loved this show as much as the longer running "Big Cat Week/Diary" and was happy to see Jonathan Scott and Saba Douglas Hamilton incorporate their wit and expertise and ability to interest the viewer from that show just as well on Big Bear Week. Well done.
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