SiN Episodes: Emergence (2006 Video Game)
This is my kind of game!
24 August 2006
The Half-Life 2 Source engine - rock solid and eye-candy galore! It's old school shooter - the best genre in gaming. Nothing new, just a compilation and upgrade of some of the best things done to date. Play enough shooters and you'll know exactly where everything came from - but that doesn't really matter, they're all that way now. Lots of fun shooting the guys with the jet packs - hit them a few times and their jet packs catch on fire and watch them spin around screaming to their deaths.

It's also nice to have a pretty girl fighting alongside you from time to time and to keep you company - the role is almost identical to Alex of Half-Life 2. Overall a very enjoyable experience.

Only glitches are some occasional clipping and many times the AI is NOT very intelligent. But that's OK - you are busy enough fighting everything that is thrown at you throughout the game.

I really LOVE the highly clever and sarcastic advertising and announcements made while in the Sintek offices. You'll know what I mean the first time you encounter the soft-drink machines.

Voice acting and soundtrack are VERY good and the theme song is exceptional! I also love the extremely detailed stats screen that you can pull up anytime. Nice to know how you're doing.

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