3 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Boring. A plot that doesn't move, but rather seems situational. Instants of good cinematography, but you see them all in the trailer. Acting that could be portrayed by dead people. Sex that you wish was done by dead people. I thought I was over 2 hours into the movie and checked the clock - just past an hour. Yeesh! Avoid, unless drinking with friends.

(OH! I see IMDb wants more review than that - okay, **spoiler warning**)

A physically gross guy getting a BJ from a cute thing. She sheds a tear - why? You won't find out. Offscreen, his wife and he had stolen and accidentally killed a baby - why? You won't find out. But she was tired of hearing the mother, her friend complain. Callous (and not so bright to boot) -- Why? You won't find out. Ultimately the guy seeks redemption through religion - and gets it! Why (even though murder is a "deadly sin" and cannot be redeemed)? You won't find out.

Don't waste your time.
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