Review of Shortbus

Shortbus (2006)
Sophomoric Sophomore Effort
8 September 2006
I know that SHORTBUS is John Cameron Mitchell's second film but that's not the kind of "sophomore" I refer to when I call this film "sophomoric." An ensemble piece about love and sex in New York City, SHORTBUS has a good deal of laughs and poignant observations but it's nearly usurped by its "film school senior project" aesthetic.

Reminiscent of countless films I've endured at various "underground" film festivals; SHORTBUS sports uneven acting and relies to heavily on its "frank treatment of human sexuality." That is to say, there are a lot of boobs, butts, and penises on screen in various states of arousal. While I appreciate that this isn't done purely for titillation (and audience tittering), too much of it felt like a "transgressive cinema" reworking of "Sex in the City." Sure to cause a flurry of media attention, SHORTBUS won't live up to the hype. Go try to find a copy of Sarah Jacobson's MARY JANE'S NOT A VIRGIN ANY MORE instead.
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