Celtic Pride (1996)
I Will Never Get This Time Back
10 September 2006
Dan Ackroyd and Daniel Stern are two die-hard Celtic fans. When their superstitions begin to fail and the Celtics lose, they devise a plan to kidnap the star player of the Utah Jazz (Damon Wayans). Then it's hi-jinx of an unprecedented proportion. No, that's a lie... it's just another bad film.

Daniel Stern has never been a strong actor. He's still best known as the guy from "Home Alone" (besides Joe Pesci) who gets the tar beat out of him. He will never live that down, especially making disposable films like this.

Dan Ackroyd is hit and miss, making some brilliant films ("Ghostbusters", "Gross Pointe Blank") and some really stupid films ("Coneheads"). This one is a miss. Maybe in Canada this sort of thing passes as comedy, but where I come from this is the equivalent of a producer flushes a few million dollars down a toilet after lighting it on fire.

And Mr. Wayans... with a long track record of making horrible films that are supposed to appeal to the youth market, particularly in the urban sector. You might impress teenage girls with a serious drug habit and failing grades in English, but you're not convincing me. I would be hard pressed to find one Wayns film that I could actually consider pretty decent.

That's all you need to know about this movie: it has these guys. If you agree with my opinion of them, you'll agree the movie is a waste of time. If you think I'm being too harsh, give the movie a chance. But friends shouldn't make friends watch "Celtic Pride". It's so much worse than "Juwanna Mann".
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