Am I the only one who thinks this movie's alarming message is perhaps too late?
11 September 2006
Want to know what your future has in store?

Have you tried asking yourself a different question?........ "What does my children's CHILDREN's future have in store for them?"...or how about "What does MY CHILDREN's future have in store for Them?"... "Will I be able to cope with the environmental changes already taking place?" "Does my future come with a time warranty?"... "Will I die of natural causes?"... "Can we count natural disasters as natural causes?"


Have you ever even stopped to wonder how YOU are affecting the global warming of our planet? If so, have you done anything even remotely drastic about it, preferably reducing it? If you already have grandchildren, can you predict how many times during the course of their lifetime their lives will be under serious threat because of air pollution, natural disasters, water shortage and UV rays? Will they die of skin cancer? ...Will you?

I didn't know the overall average temperature of the entire world rose from the year 1900 up to 2005 by just 0.6 degrees Celcius, did you??? That really doesn't seem anywhere near as terrible as to call it life-threatening, does it?? In fact, how can a change so remote, averaging less that one, One! degree Celsius, create environmental mutation on such a global scale? …Ever heard of the term "action-reaction"? Does it even matter that we (people) are responsible for this? Why in the world isn't there more, MORE!!!!! done about stopping, changing and reversing all the bad we've caused into good again, and can you spare me the strong oil lobbies this time? Can we even do it? …"Why in the world", there's something truly twisted and abstractly oximoronic in using this phrase, huh?

I sound like a smart ass with my fancy lingo, don't I? Can you predict by which year the terms "green house effect" and natural disaster" will be spoken out loud more frequently than "oil", "electricity", "car" and "plastic" combined? Do you think people that have made a fortune from destroying the world sleep well? Do you count the current president of USA among them? Ever noticed any kind of information about wind power and energy stored in oceans? I bet you've noticed these question marks, haven't you

No, I didn't forget to put one there at the end, I still want your undivided attention for a couple of seconds more!

What? Have you not been depressed and saddened enough by now? Are you waiting for me to say something else?? If you've read up to HERE then I hope you also know you should, in your own special way say something as well. And better not waste a lot of time!!!;)
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