The Best Star Trek movie bar none. My opinion.
13 September 2006
The best Star Trek movie bar none. My opinion. After the very well-meaning effort of Mr. Douglas Trumbull, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, which plays much more thought provoking today and maybe spawned Star Trek Voyager, the series. No criticism of Mr. Trumbull whose movie may be the most important of the entire movie series and the different TV series' that have followed but on that day and in anticipation Trekkies a word which I do not snarl at were waiting and looking for rip-roaring shoot 'em up Captain Kirk and the crew. This came in next with Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan and mighty well it did Ricardo Montalban never to be forgotten for it. I find fault only in one line in the film or portion of a line where God is referred to as a proved myth because the line is spoken in past tense. I know I gasped at such a statement and it is my honest belief that like everything we have like Manna fell from Heaven the Manna that Star Trek is in entertainment is provided by and allowed by God maybe inspite of a thought that He myth-wise is, ever was, or will be unreal. Nicholas Meyer did in my opinion a tremendous job directing this film and I am not sure what much other he has done since with his direction talents but given such an opportunity and not myself a direction or film school student I would have to guess that his aim was making a good and entertaining film not propaganda with such a devoted and large audience its' mind wide open for such by a franchise it loved and loves. Now that is a director who can entertain or thought provoke without forcing you to end up with his/ her opinion. Director's of today improve tremendously with super efforts but little things slip by I cannot detect in Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan and excellent film well known but escapist.

A new Star Trek movie after all that have come is said in production. Let's hope for the best. I do.
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