More Sex & the Single Mom (2005 TV Movie)
Warner Home Video is slowing down
29 September 2006
As far as I am concerned, this is not a sequel, as some suggest, for that implies that 'Sex & The Single Mom' reaches a satisfactory conclusion, thereby making it stand-alone. Not subscribing to this viewpoint, I wish to pose that 'More Sex & The Single Mom' is Part 2 of a bilogy - a bilogy being one step short of a trilogy! I hasten to point out that any similarity in sound between bilogy and bilge is quite inappropriate in the case of these movies. Of course, there will be some who disagree. That is inevitable.

Circumstances have changed somewhat in the three years since Part 1. Sara has grown out of all recognition (!), but is still a nice girl (!), and Jake is now a lovable youngster. Ex husband, Nick, is out of the picture, having been replaced by Jess's colleague, Steve, who now fulfils the role of steady boyfriend. Friendly neighbour, Deena, doesn't seem to be about, but not to worry as friendly neighbour, Megan, is there to support as friend and confidante to Jess. Then guess what happens …..

Having bought the DVD to find out what occurred in Part 1, I am currently left with only half the story. Not a happy situation! It took just over sixteen months for Warner Home Video to bring out the DVD following the release of 'Sex & The Single Mom'. As Part 2 was released in early February 2005, I would have expected the DVD to have been available by mid-June this year. Come on, Warner Home Video! Don't drag your feet.
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