Bill Rebane's good'n'goofy Sasquatch cinema romp
6 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A pair of no-count crackers are savagely killed by Bigfoot after they abduct the enormous fellow's young 'un. A slimy businessman (an outrageously hammy turn by Richard Kennedy; the evil Nazi general in "Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS") who wants to snare the full-size galoot so he can cruelly exploit Sasquatch for his own selfish ends puts a hefty bounty on Bigfoot's head. A bunch of hillbilly hunters, eager to collect the plentiful reward money, venture into the woods to nab the huge hairy humanoid beast.

It's obvious that this picture was a true labor of low-budget love for Wisconsin-based Do-It-Yourself auteur Bill Rebane, who not only directed, but also produced, co-wrote the script and even co-edited the feature as well. Additionally, Rebane cast his son Randolph as the baby Bigfoot! Actually, truth be told, Rebane does a pretty skillful job in every department: the performances are acceptable, the pace quick and steady, the photography proficient, the jazzed-up 70's cop show-style score seriously smokes, the philosophical country theme song likewise kicks, the wintry snow-covered landscapes look lovely, the Sasquatch attack scenes are staged with a reasonable amount of vigor, and we even got a nice dash of savory local folklore (the creatures are described as the "Legend of Aurak"). Heck, the sterling B-movie cast alone earns this pup a passing mark: the ubiquitous exploitation flick twosome of John Goff and George "Buck" Flower (who also appear together in Rebane's "The Alpha Incident"), "Blood Beach" 's Otis Young, Stafford ("The Zebra Force," "The Forrest") Morgan, and Buck's sweetly plump daughter Verkina. The Bigfoot family, who more closely resemble yetis with their white fur, teeth and claws, are a reliable source of unintentional amusement, for they prove to be more fat, clumsy and lumbering than George "Buck" Flower.
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