Review of 24

24 (2001–2010)
Class of their Own
7 October 2006
"24" is absolutely a one of a kind drama masterpiece. I am on a mad dash to catch up on all seasons before Season 6 debuts in January 2007. I have just completed season 4. I was hooked after a couple of episodes in Season 1. This show has more twists and turns than a roller coaster. You never know what you are going to see and nothing you assume can be for sure, even when a season ends. They have superb writers on staff and the character of Jack Bauer is a legend among big and small screen characters. He puts the well being of the U.S. security and people above his own and I mean to the most extreme sense. I am lost knowing I have to wait until December to buy Season 5, so I can find out what happens. I am not worried about catching up before January. I am anxious to know what happens next. It is that good. You really get to know these characters and they truly have a changing effect on your feelings for someone just like you would in true life.

Great show! Please join in and watch. Great for a rainy day or any other.

Update: 10/10 I was really anxious as I stated about Season 5. I found Amazon sold an unboxed version online. I am the middle of Season 5 and loving it.
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